Well I have a bit of a problem with my Sea Monsters. Some more of them hatched... except they're not all "Sea Monsters" or "Triops." Some are Sea Monkeys.
Here is a video of my newly hatched creatures...
As you can see in the video, the large sea creature is swimming more smoothly. That is a Sea Monkey. The smaller one swims more like it's jumping through the water. That is a Sea Monster.
Sea Monkey...
Sea Monster...
It looks like I have both.
Sea Monkeys are not Triops like the Sea Monsters are. They are actually brine shrimp. And guess what else... they live for 2 years!!! What did I get myself into??? I don't want to feed Sea Monkeys for 2 years!
There is a bright side though :) ... or maybe it's tragic depending on how you look at it... if my Sea Monsters (aka Triops) grow to full size, they will eat the Sea Monkeys. Sea Monkeys only grow to about 1/2 an inch, as I said in my previous post.
And like it says on the package... "They eat other sea pets for breakfast." It looks like I have some trouble on my hands. Sea Monsters vs Sea Monkeys.
What is going to happen? Stay tuned!!! :)
<--Are you ready? Are you ready?-->